Independence Day Giveaway 

So God touched my heart to give out airtime today so here it goes. 

I hope you know your country well enough to answer these questions and claim yours.

1. How was the name Nigeria coined?? And by whom?? 

2. In what year did Nigeria gain her independence and from what nation?? 

3. What is the symbolic meaning of the Nigerian Coat of arms? 

4. What is our motto?? 

Really easy questions and won’t take long to answer… I won’t disclose how the card would be given but it will be given before 4pm. 

You don’t have to answer all, just answer what you can. 

Good luck guys! 

12 Comments Add yours

  1. poksman says:

    1. it was coined from the River Niger and by Flora Shaw.
    2.1960 from Great Britain
    3.the black shield stands for Nigeria’s fertile soil and the two white horses are for dignity.. the flowers, costus spectabilis represents the national flower, the wavy Y stands for river niger and river benue
    4.Unity,faith,peace and progress

    Liked by 1 person

  2. James Destiny Plato says:

    1) Answer is :, Nigeria was formed from the British Protectorate on the Niger River and it was formed by Lady Flora Shaw Lugard

    2) 1960 from Great Britain

    3) The black shield represents fertility and the two horses represent Dignity

    4) Unity and faith, peace and progress

    Liked by 1 person

  3. maxwell says:

    1)Flora Shaw, Lady Lugard. Dame Flora Louise Shaw, Lady Lugard DBE (born 19 December 1852 – 25 January 1929) was a British journalist and writer. She is credited with having coined the name “Nigeria

    2)”The country gained independence from the British government on Oct, 1st 1960, and became a republic in 1963.

    3). The coat of arms of Nigeria has a black shield with two white lines that form in a “Y” shape. The black shield represents Nigeria’s fertile soil, while the two horses or chargers on each side represent dignity.

    4)Motto. Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. brave says:

    1. The name Nigeria was coined from the River Niger and by Flora Shaw.
    2.Nigeria gained her independence in 1960 from Great Britain
    3.on the coat of arms the black shield stands for Nigeria’s fertile soil and the two white horses are for dignity.. the flowers, costus spectabilis represents the national flower, the wavy Y stands for river niger and river benue
    4.Motto: Unity,faith,peace and progress

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Zortura says:

      Hi, you didn’t leave your contact


      1. brave says:

        Sorry, I didn’t notice I was suppose to drop my contact…and then I thought I was gonna get it via email, if judging by what u posted, I’m the 4th person to comment but then I didn’t really get any airtime…..08063858966, thanks tho! And keep the good work.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. VeekeeTee says:

    1) By Flora shaw when she wanted an agglomeration of pagan and mahomedan states.

    2) 1960. Great Britain.

    3) Black shield- symbolize Nigeria fertile soil.
    2 horses- symbolize dignity.
    Eagle- symbolize Strength.
    Green and white bands on the shield- symbolize the rich soil.
    The flowers- symbolize beauty of the nation.
    White wavy pall – symbolize River Benue and Niger.

    4) motto is: Unity and faith, peace and progress.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. poksman says:

    i got my airtime as first to comment.. yaaay!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Anonymous says:

    it was coined from river niger by flora shaw.
    3) arms of Nigeria
    has a black shield with two
    white stripes that come
    together like the letter Y.
    These represent the two
    main rivers flowing through
    Nigeria: the Benue River and the Niger river. The BLACK SHIELD
    represents Nigeria’s good earth while the TWO HORSES on each
    side represents dignity. The EAGLE represents strength, while
    the green and white bands on the top of the shield represents
    the rich agricultural land of the inspiring country. The YELLOW
    FLOWERS at the base are Costus Spectabilis, it stands for the
    beauty of Nigeria. The slogan- Unity and Faith, Peace and
    Progress written at the base of the Coat of Arm is Nigeria’s

    2) 1960 by Britain

    4) unity, faith, peace and progress

    Liked by 1 person

  8. VeekeeTee says:

    I got my airtime as one of the lucky winners…yayyy

    Liked by 1 person

  9. prince says:

    am waiting for mine too

    Liked by 1 person

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